Before the end of this year you could install on your mobile or tablet the APP we have designed about Elcano and the First Voyage Around the World. You could download it easily through Google Play and Apple Store, and begin to test your knowledge about the great adventure that epic journey involved and about other related topics. It is a question and answer game where the objective is to try to answer correctly the greatest number of questions to achieve the highest possible score. You can invite your friends and family to download the app, and then challenge them to play and compare your scores. Who has scored the most points? The goal is to learn and how not to … Win others!
The APP offers you the possibility to play in 2 languages, basque and spanish, and in 2018 you will have in english as well. The functioning of the game is very simple: once the language has been chosen and the “play” button has been clicked, the roulette will be launched, which will randomly choose one of the 4 thematic categories of the game: The Voyage, Cultures, Continents and Oceans. In the The Voyage category, you will find questions only related to the first voyage around the world of Magellan and Elcano, and in the other three categories, more generic questions. Each question will offer you 3 possible answers, but you will have three wild cards in case you do not succeed throughout the questionnaire. And eye! You should decide the answer quickly, since once the screen is activated with each new question, a timeline will be launched to mark the seconds that you have left to respond. The new APP is coming … in a few days we will let you know so you can download it!