The film, directed by Ángel Alonso and produced by Dibulitoon Studio and Elkano Dibulitoon AIE, will be screened for the first time on March 23rd in the Special Premiere section of the 22nd Malaga Festival. The commercial premiere in cinemas will arrive on July 12. Directed to the familiar audience, the film is based on the great adventure of the first circumnavigation of the planet, an expedition commanded by Fernando de Magallanes and concluded by Juan Sebastián Elcano. Its premiere coincides with the V Centennial of the first voyage around the world.
The version dubbed in English “Elcano & Magellan, The First Voyage Around the World” will also be exhibited by Filmax International at the Spanish Screenings of the MAFIZ, Málaga Festival Industry Zone. Designed as an international platform for the sale and promotion of Spanish cinema, Spanish Screenings are the core of MAFIZ and host buyers and programmers of film festivals around the world.
“Elcano&Magellan, The First Voyage Around the World” is a film focused on the family audience inspired by one of the most exciting adventures in history, a journey into the unknown that began in 1519 in Seville and ended 3 years later in the same place, thus completing an adventure around a planet whose roundness was demonstrated for the first time. In 1519 five ships departed from Seville with 240 men on board. Only one got back with 18 sailors on the verge of death. The protagonists of that expedition financed by the Kingdom of Castile were the portuguese Fernando de Magallanes, commander of the expedition, and the basque Juan Sebastián Elcano, the man who managed to complete the mission.
Starting from the known historical facts and the characters that starred them, the director Ángel Alonso has created an exciting animated film, designed for young audience, to enjoy as a family. Hunger, cold, storms, diseases, betrayal … and also love and humor. 90 minutes that have the essential ingredients of an adventure classic. Special mention for water, so present throughout the trip through the different seas of the planet. In the form of a giant wave, frozen in the summer of the southern hemisphere or calm and motionless in the middle of the Pacific. Water is a protagonist that accompanies the viewer throughout the animation film.
Angel Alonso (Pasajes, Gipuzkoa, 1967) is a film director specialized in animation and special effects. Passionate to science fiction cinema, in 1991 he founded Dibulitoon Studio, in Irun, together with producer Ricardo Ramón to produce and direct his own stories. During his professional career he has directed two other films, The Thief of Dreams, nominated for the Goya for Best Animation Film in 2000 and one of the first Spanish animation films entirely in 3D, and Mystical in 2011, the first Spanish film shot 100% in chroma with real actors. Teresa and Tim, The magic of friendship (2017), Dixie and the rebellion of the zombies (2014), The heart of oak (2012), Dad I am a zombie (2003), Cristobal Molón (2007), Supertramps (2005) and Glup (2004) are others of his work as a technical director produced from Dibulitoon Studio, an independent audiovisual production company of recognized national and international prestige dedicated to the production of animated films. The studio located in Irun began its activity in 1991 and since then it has released 11 feature films that have received numerous awards.
The script of the film is signed by Jose Antonio Vitoria and Garbiñe Losada. Joseba Beristain is the creator of the original soundtrack of the animated film. The music, mostly symphonic, is played by the Basque National Orchestra conducted by Fernando Velázquez and 90 voices of the Orfeón Donostiarra directed by Jose Antonio Sainz Alfaro. Enrique Solinís, a basque musician who is an expert in guitar and early music, also participates in the soundtrack with some compositions of his repertoire suitable for the film and the interpretation with different guitars of several specific pieces created by Beristain.
La Oreja de Van Gogh puts the finishing touch to the feature film with the song “Let the Wind Guide You”, a fresh and inspiring piece of music. The group from San Sebastian has composed the original song of the film, a hymn to the figure of the navigator of Getaria Juan Sebastián Elcano, the man whose decision to continue sailing towards the west made possible the first circumnavigation of history.
The film “Elcano y Magallanes, La Primera Vuelta al Mundo” is a Basque production that has counted on its production and development with the support and funding of the Basque Government, the Ministry of Culture, EITB, TVE, the Ibermedia program and the Provincial Council from Gipuzkoa. For its part, the national commission V Centenario 1º Around the World, created to commemorate the 500 years of the feat, has hosted the film in its program of projects of special interest. Also Mundubira 500 Elkano Fundazioa, the Basque foundation, will support the film in its distribution and promotion.
Barton Films will distribute the film in its original version in Basque in the Basque Country and North Zone and Filmax the version dubbed into spanish in the rest of the state. International sales will be managed by Filmax Internacional, which will go with the feature film to the main markets and film and animation festivals.