Accompanied by your friends or parents, eating pop corn or cookies, you are going to enjoy yourself like you’ve never done before with the superb animation film we are developing in DIBULITOON STUDIOS.
We are going to embark on one of the most complete adventures ever told. And we don’t say that arrogantly. It is literary true. We are dealing here with the first journey around the world in history. A circular trip that begins where it ends but after which nothing will ever be the same. This is the narration about some navigators who got hold of the Helm of history so to speak to change its course. A journey that started with Magallanes in command and was concluded by Juan Sebastián Elcano.
What made these sailors embark on such a crazy undertaking? To reach the Mollucas Islands, a paraise full of spices and aromatic plantss.
However, how could they reach this Promised Land if the only known route was the exclusive privilege of the KIngdom of Portugal? Well, the answer is simple: by sailing in the opposite direction. Mind you, what in theory was simple was more difficult in practice: Storms, hostile tribes and all types of incredible adventures would hinder the progress made by our protagonists.
Five ships sailed off from Seville. Three years later, only one of them managed to return, bringing their adventure full circle and finally proving that planet Earth is round.